Take a look at my projects.

Since November 1st, I have been working on some projects and webpages with the class. As the bootcamp progress, I will be adding more project to this page. It may be barebones now but I hope to fill it with more projects to come.

Computer with Code
band cover

This was my first project. It was a simple HTML website for my favorite band.

View Favorite Band

This was my second project. It was a simple HTML website for my favorite movie.

View Favorite Movie

With my favorite food page, I tried to make my webpage for reponsive.

View Favorite Food

Made a simple bio page for a class activity using Bootstrap components.

View Bio
Guessing numbers

After learning some JavaScript, I made a number guesser game

View Number Guesser
Rock Paper Scissors

After learning conditionals in JavaScript, I made a rock, paper, scissors game

View Rock Paper Scissors
Pair UP

As a group, we create a food pairing site with third party APIs.

View Pair UP
Pair UP

Created an Anime List maker to keep track of your favorite anime.

View 4AnimeArchive